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Probiotics vs. Prebiotics

Probiotics vs. Prebiotics

The material provided below is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the diagnosis or treatment by a qualified healthcare professional. You should always seek medical advice before consuming any new medicines or supplements.

Advice and advise, affect and effect, aisle and isle—these words are commonly confused. Such words might look alike, sound alike or, worst of all, look and sound alike but have completely different meanings. And there’s another often-confused pair to add to the list—probiotics and prebiotics. There is a common misconception that probiotics and prebiotics are the same, but news flash: they are not. However, prebiotics and probiotics both play equally important roles in your health. Read on to find out more. 


Prebiotics ultimately feed the good bacteria that live in the gutas well as the probiotics that populate it through diet and supplements. Fiber is one type of prebiotic, though not all prebiotics are fiber. Prebiotics are carbohydrates that cannot actually be digested by the human digestive system. When you consume foods rich in prebiotics, they travel through the body unaffected by the digestive system and work to stimulate and feed the growth of good bacteria, including probiotics, in the gut.Now that you’re a pro at prebiotics, read on to learn more about probiotics!


The freshly famous health interest—probiotics—are good bacteria that can be added to your diet to achieve a variety of health benefits.* These live bacteria may be beneficial to your health, especially your digestive system.*

Probiotics may help move food through your gut and help the body absorb nutrients from the foods you eat.2 What’s even more is approximately 70 percent of your body’s entire immune system is in your digestive tract, which links your digestive system to your immune system.3  With that in mind, it’s easy to see how probiotics play a role. This could account for why probiotics may also help with occasional diarrhea, assist with occasional digestive upset and support healthy immune response.*4 However, not every strain of probiotics is equal. 

The strain of probiotics we use for digestive and immune health is Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG.* It is strong enough and sticky enough to survive stomach acids and successfully colonize in the intestines.*4 So now that you know the basics about probiotics, read on to find out more about how probiotics and prebiotics work to benefit your digestive tract!*

Supporting Your Digestive Health with Prebiotics and Probiotics*

The great thing about prebiotics and probiotics is that they both support your digestive health.* Feeling overwhelmed by the idea of searching for probiotics or prebiotics? Don’t. Culturelle® can help! Culturelle® Kids Probiotic + Fiber Packets offer a combination of prebiotic dietary fiber and Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG. Culturelle® Kids Probiotic + Fiber contains this unique blend of naturally-sourced ingredients selected just for kids’ digestive systems.*

For adults who are seeking help restoring the balance of good and non-beneficial bacteria in their intestinal tract, Culturelle® can provide the benefits of probiotics!* Culturelle® Digestive Daily Probiotic Formula contains Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, which helps to keep your digestive system in working order.* Take the probiotic in Culturelle® every day to help achieve and maintain optimal core health!*

1Prebiotic Fibre.

2 Probiotics and Prebiotics: Creating a Healthier You.

3 Vighi, G., et al. "Allergy and the gastrointestinal system." Clinical & Experimental Immunology 153.s1 (2008): 3-6.

4 Culturelle Probiotic Facts.

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